2022-2023 Budget
On Tuesday, May 17, Schenectady voters approved the $239,167,067 2022-2023 spending proposal which is a $20 million or 9.29% increase over the current year without any increase to the tax levy.
The proposition to create a Capital Reserve Fund for funding general building improvements, construction, renovations or additions needed at schools, was also approved.
Cathy Lewis was re-elected and Vivian Parsons was elected to her first term on the board of education.
The budget increases and supports programs, services and partnerships including:
Increased Student Support Services (Counselors, Social Workers, Safety Personnel, Restorative Practice Specialists)
Increased Athletic & Extracurricular opportunities (Modified Athletics at the Middle School Level)
Extended Learning Time at All Schools
Community Schools Initiative
Infrastructure & Facility Improvements
Secondary School Redesign
Librarian/ Instructional Media Specialist At Every School
School Counselor at Every School
New Literacy Curriculum
Parent Liaisons In All Schools
Increased Professional Learning Opportunities
Partnerships with Community-Based Organizations
Positions to be added:
$3,839,494 will be funded through Federal funding and therefore is not included the general fund. The total number of positions to be added in 2022-2023:
41 teachers to fill open positions
4 assistant principals to fill vacancies and ensure that every school has a principal and assistant principal
3 special education teachers and 2 speech therapists
8 library media specialists
29.5 positions to address school climate and safety at all levels (2 Operation Center, 9 Security Monitors, 8.5 School Safety Officers, 10 Community and Culture Engagement Specialists, Expansion of the Community Engagement Officer Program)
7 Attendance Paraprofessionals
6 School Counselors
2 Social Workers
4 restorative practice specialists
Every school will have a school counselor and two social workers on campus.
Proposition to create Capital Reserve Fund
When residents head to the polls, they will also be asked to consider a proposition to create a Capital Reserve Fund. The purpose would be to have an account specifically for funding general building improvements, construction, renovations or additions as needed at district schools. The reserve fund would not exceed $5 million. The board of education would determine how much funding would be deposited into the account each year. Mr. Gillooley anticipates that the duration of the Capital Reserve Fund is five (5) years.
A public hearing will be held on May 4 at 7 p.m. at Schenectady High School.
Residents will head to the polls on May 17 to consider the budget and proposition as well as elect two members to the board of education.
Polls are open from noon to 9 p.m.
Polling Places
Yates Elementary, 725 Salina Street
Howe Elementary, 1065 Baker Avenue
Paige Elementary, 104 Elliott Avenue
Woodlawn Elementary, 3311 Wells Avenue
M.L. King Elementary, 918 Stanley Street
Mont Pleasant Middle School, 1121 Forest Road
Schenectady High School, 1445 The Plaza
Fulton School, 408 Eleanor Street